About Me

I am a computer engineer and researcher with a broad working experience both in academia and industry. At ABB, I am leading a team of researchers with the mission to create innovative solutions for the next big challenges in our increasingly digital world. My research interests include autonomous systems, robotics, machine learning, and low-power wireless networks. I like to get my hands dirty with complex hardware and software problems that have an impact on real-world problems.


I received my MSc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich in 2007 and 2011 respectively. During my PhD thesis I have worked on time synchronization and localization for wireless embedded systems under the supervision of Prof. Roger Wattenhofer, who is the head of the Distributed Computing Group at ETH Zurich’s Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory. I have been a postdoctoral fellow at the Autonomous System lab of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Brisbane, Australia between September 2011 and October 2014. During that time I was also holding an Adjunct Lecturer position with the University of Queensland, Australia.